We are giving inner-city youth and young adults the chances they have never had, but always deserved.

What We Provide
Words From Our Program Participants
"This program provided me with a chance to do new things and meet people who were just like me. It kept me on the right track and the people who were in it surrounded me with positivity. It also provided me with one of the best mentors ever. He was there for me, to talk to me, and I could go to him with anything. He is still there for me and has done so much for me. I am glad I met him and glad I got the chance to have this experience."
"I found Keith Strickland's presentation extremely eye opening. He spoke about planning today for the life you want to create for yourself tomorrow, and the negatives of living in the "here and now" or for the moment. His workbook "the 7 5 year old you" is also an eye opener. What I really appreciate about this book is the chapter dedicated to staying focused and not letting yourself be distracted. I believe it is chapter six. Nonetheless, I think this book was a huge help as far as asking myself the right questions to stay on a progressive and productive course in life."
"Unsuccessful people make decisions based on their current situations, but successful people make decisions based on where they want to be. That is what we learned from our visiting speaker, Keith Strickland. He encouraged us to actually look into or futures so that we can make changes. He believes that we all can be the best that we can be when we create real plans on how to get there."
"Attending Mr. Keith Strickland's presentation opened my eyes to how someone could come far and make it, even when it seems the world is against them. It showed me that it's actually not always the world. It could be yourself against you. You have to encourage your own growth and not give excuses, and that's real."
"Keith Strickland is a reminder that people still care."
"Mr. Strickland asked a question at his workshop that I felt very strongly for: 'Would you rather have one good day, or one good life?' I was truly inspired and this quote is something I now live by. It touched my heart so much that I went home and told my mom about this saying and what this now means to me and my future."